Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : C. Godin, Computer & Discrete Geometry & Graphics, 9h, (M1), université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : C. Godin, Introduction to Plant Modeling, 25h, (M2), université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : C. Godin, Mathematical Modelling of Phyllotaxis, 4h, (M2), université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : Y. Guédon , Stochastic processes, 16h, (M2) université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : F. Boudon, Computer Graphics, 18h, (M2) université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : C. Pradal, Curves & Surfaces, 4.5h, (M2) université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Master : P. Fernique, Stochastic processes, 16h, (M2) université de Montpellier, Fr

  • Doctorat : C. Godin, Animal & Vegetal Morphogenesis, 35h, ENS Paris, Fr

  • Doctorat : C. Godin, Modelling Plant Development, 6h, E ́cole de Physique des Houches, Fr


  • PhD in progress : Anne Schneider, "Modeling branching in Roses", Angers University, Jessica Bertheloo, C. Godin, F. Boudon.

  • PhD in progress : Hadrien Oliveri, "Mechanical modeling of organ growth", Montpellier University, C. Godin, J traas and O. Ali.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Louis Dinh, "Coupling flux and growth models in plant development", Nottingham University, C. Hodgman, C. Godin.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Philippe Bernard, "Meshless methods for organ development", Montpellier University, C. Godin, B. Gilles.

  • PhD in progress : Severine Persello, "Structural-Functional modeling of yield and fruit quality build-up of the mango, and integration of the effects of cultural practices", Montpellier University, F. Normand, I. Grechi, F. Boudon.

  • PhD in progress : Marc Labadie, Study of the alternation between vegetative and floral development in strawberry: spatio-temporal architecture and analysis of key flowering genes, Bordeaux University, Béatrice Denoyes, Yann Guédon.


  • C. Godin was president of the CR-concours at Inria for the Sophia-Antipolis Me ́diterrane ́e center.

  • C. Godin was president of a Professor concours at ENS de Lyon.

  • C. Godin was the President of the Jury of Elise Laruelle’s defence (AgroParitech).